Halifax Mortgages phone number: 0345 727 3747

Lines to the Halifax Mortgage number 0345 727 3747 are open between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. If lines to this number are busy you can also try the number 0113 242 2229.

Halifax Mortgages Phone number – 0345 727 3747

Contact the Halifax Mortgages team by telephone on the number 0345 727 3747 to discuss any issues with your payments, remortgaging requests, or to discuss changes in your personal information or circumstances. for example if you would like to close your Halifax mortgage or transfer to another provider you can call the team to discuss. The team will also be able to provide you with an outstanding balance on your mortgage.

The Halifax Mortgage Team on the number 0345 727 3747 can also You can also phone this number to request a change in your Halifax Mortgage direct debit date.