Apply to have your food products officially recognised as Halal by the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC), by phoning them to apply on 0333 344 7886.
The Halal Monitoring Committee are based in Leicester and are a UK registered charity who certify if meat is slaughtered and prepared according to Islamic rules and regulations. They are supported by over 600 mosques, which makes them the most trustworthy certifiers of Islamic food products. Suppliers, restaurants and takeaway shops can contact the Halal Monitoring Committee if they wish to have their products as Halal so they can display the HMC logo in their business.
Report a Concern or make a complaint
You should phone HMC if you believe a company is falsely advertising a food product as Halal or if you are not sure about the status of certain food. You can also contact them if you believe their Halal logo is being used misused or used fraudulently. HMC will investigate all complaints and if they are upheld them will print details of the offending restaurant on their website.
Alternate Contact Details
Contact the Halal Monitoring Committee by email at
Or write to them at the following postal address:
Halal Monitoring Committee
Leicester Business Centre
111 Ross Walk