Green Line Taxi Normanton Number – 01924 363939

Stick the number 01924 363939 into your mobile phone and you will never be stuck for a taxi in Wakefield or Normanton again.

An Alternative Green Line Taxi Normanton telephone number is 01924 891111. This number is answered by the same team at Green Line and you can use it to book your taxi in or around the Normanton and Wakefield areas.

Green Line Taxi Telephone Number

Both of the Green Line Taxi telephone numbers are manned 24 hours a day. Therefore you can use the number 01924 363939 any time of the day to book a car. Therefore this is a good number to have with you on a night out. You can also phone 01924 363939 to book a journey in advance. 

Phone 01924 363939 or 01924 891111 to book your taxi to Leeds Bradford Airport. Customers who have taken a journey with Green Line Taxis can also phone one of the these numbers if they have a complaint. It can also be used to report an item of lost property.

You can also write to the company at the following address:

138 Westgate 


West Yorkshire