Galway area code phone: 091

The area telephone code 091 is a telephone code to access residential and business addresses in areas in Co. Galway.  This includes Galway City itself and areas in Gort and Loughrea. 

If making a call to a landline in one of these areas from outside Ireland you will need to prefix your call with +353 91. If making the call from the Republic of Ireland you will need to dial 091 at the start of the number. 

The Galway phone code in use

An example of this phone code in use is the phone number for Galway Garda Station. The number for this police station, if calling from abroad, is +353 91 538000. If calling from within Ireland you can just dial (091) 538000.

The Galway phone code number 091 covers all of Galway City and surrounding areas including Kilcolgan, Oranmore and Gorumna. In Gort the code covers Ardrahan, Kinvaram Toberelatan, and Tubber.