The FIFA phone number is +41 (0) 43 222 7777 and will take you through to their headquarters in Switzerland.
FIFA is an acronym of the Federation Internationale de Football Association. It is the governing body of world football with responsibilities including organising major international football tournaments including the World Cup which, this year, will be held in Russia.
FIFA Phone Number: +41 (0) 43 222 7777
Remember to add the international dialling code +41 for Switzerland when using the FIFA contact phone number. Your call will take you through to their head office in Zurich. Football fans planning a pilgrimage to the home of world football should be aware that the headquarters are just offices and not a museum. You likely won’t get past the lobby unless you are a member or certified official. A much better place to visit would be the FIFA World Football Museum, which is located nearby.
FIFA address and other contact details
If you prefer not to speak to FIFA by telephone there are two alternative contact methods available. Firstly you could choose to use the contact page on the FIFA website or you can use the address, below:
Federation International De Football Association
FIFA Strasse 20
PO Box 8044 Zurich