Phone Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, on +353 1 123456, or 01 123456 from inside the country.
As the capital of the Republic of Ireland, Dublin City has the lowest number digit for its phone code. The area code for Dublin is 01 from the Republic, but if dialling a Dublin number from the UK, use simply 1 as the area code. This 01 phone code is the only two digit area code in use in the whole of the Republic of Ireland.
Dublin Area Code 01 / +353 1
If you are calling Dublin from inside the country you will need to prefix your call with the code 01. The local code for Dublin covers all parts of the city, including in the Southside and Northside.
County Dublin Area Code 01 / +353 1
As well as the city of Dublin the 01 area code covers all of County Dublin.
For example if we look at the telephone numbers for Balbriggan Police Station we see the 01 Dublin area code in use. This is because although Balbriggan is 34 km to the North of Dublin City centre, it is within the boundaries of Dublin County. The number for Balbriggan police station is 01 802 0510.
Meanwhile to the south of Dublin City, but still within the boundaries of County Dublin, is the town of Dun Laoghaire. Although over 26 miles away, both are within Dublin County. Therefore the police station in Dun Laoghaire shares the same area code. The full number for Dun Laoghaire police station is 01 666 5000. Therefore the Dun Laoghaire Dublin code is also 01.
Dialling Dublin from the UK +353 1
Example: +353 1 123 1234
Above +353 represents the international dialling code for the Republic of Ireland. It is followed by (0) 1, which is the Dublin dialling code. A good example of the Dublin phone code might be in the telephone number for the internationally famous Shelbourne Hotel. If calling from outside the country the number is as follows:
+353 1 663 4500. Here the Dublin dialling code is the 1, following the international code for Ireland.
If calling from inside the country the Dublin dialling code becomes 01, making the full number:
01 663 4500