Use the Direct Line freephone number 0800 145 5522 to enquire about life insurance policies. If calling from abroad a freephone number is not available, but you can use the local rate number 0044 1273 824 665.
Both the freephone and the local rate numbers above are open Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm, as well as 9-5 on Saturdays.
Direct Line Claims Freephone Number
Direct Line also offer a freephone number for customers looking to make a claim on their life insurance policy. This number is 0800 137 101 and is open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Direct Line Critical Illness Freephone Number
Direct Line also provide a freephone telephone number for a critical illness claim on a life insurance policy. The number for this purpose is 0800 068 0789. This freephone telephone number is open between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Direct Line General Enquiries Number
Direct Line also have a general enquiries contact, but unlike the other numbers on this page it is not a freephone 0800 number. The general enquiries line is 0370 060 0851, calls to this number will be charged at the standard local 01 or 02 rate if calling from a landline. However, you will need to check your mobile package to avoid incurring any unexpectedly expensive charges if calling from a mobile.