Dial-a-poem phone number: +44 (0)20 4538 8429

Phone the Dial-a-poem number +44 (0)20 4538 8429 to listen to a poetry reading any time of the day or night. The dial a poem service was launched on the 12th of October by the John Giorno Foundation.

To mark the first posthumous exhibition of Giorno’s work in the UK, at Almine Rech, London, Dial-a-Poem is once again live. You can phone the number for free from many mobiles and enjoy a poetry reading. Each time you call a differenmt poem will be played and it is a great service for fans of literature and poetry, or for anyone looking for a nice way to find a moment’s peace among their hectic schedule.

If you are interested in listening to a poetry reading the  call the Dial-a-poem  team on the number +44 (0)20 4538 8429.