In fact there are two Day In Supermarkets located in Birmingham’s China Quarter and they are just a two minute walk from each other. The first shop is located on Wrottesley Street.
The telephone number for this Day In Supermarket is 0121 622 6055. Phone this number to enquire about products or for information on opening hours.
Day In Supermarket is a Chinese supermarket located in Birmingham’s Chinese quarter. The shop sells a wide range of fresh vegetables, dried foods such as noodles and frozen produce. Most of the produce has been imported from China, Vietnam or Singapore. The address of Day In Supermarket is
1+2 Po-on Building, Wrottesley Street, Birmingham, B5 4RT.
Day In Second Shop – 0121 622 6182
You can also contact the second Day In shop, which is located in the Arcadian centre on 0121 622 6182.