Phone Coca Cola Enterprises Ltd on 01908 822228 if you need a refund from a Coca-Cola vending machine in the UK.
You can also phone this number to complain about the quality of a product you purchased from a Coca-Cola vending machine. Each Coca-cola vending machine has a sticker attached to it with the Coca-cola vending machine number 01908 822228 as a well as a unique reference number. When you call the Coca-Cola vending services number you will be invited to press one from a number of automated options. If your enquiry is about vending enquiry such as a refund then press option 4 at the prompt.
Coca-Cola Equipment Services Number: 01908 822228
The above number can also be used to report a serious fault with a Coca-Cola vending machine. Again you will need the serial number of the vending machine so the team at Coca-Cola can locate it.
Similarly this number can be used if you would like to report the fly-tipping of or damage to a Coca-Cola vending machine or other piece of equipment. You can also contact Coca-Cola by email on