China Local Landline STD Codes

On this page we provide a comprehensive list of area codes for cities in China. These STD codes prefix calls to the area and will appear in all calls to and from the cities. You will note that the biggest and most prestigious cities have shorter area codes. For example Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin use two digit STD codes, whereas smaller cities like Guiyang and Yaiyuan use three digits.

A certain order can be sensed in Chinese landline local area codes when we consider that the the 010 area code for Beijing is the smallest number. This is followed by Guangzhou 020 and then Shanghai, the second most well-known city, with an area code of 021. The tier 1 Chinese cities tend to have two digit STD code, whereas the tier two have three digits.

City Chinese Area Code
Beijing 北京 010
Changchun 长春 0431
Changsha 长沙 0731
Chongqing 重庆 023
Fuzhou 福州 591
Guangzhou 广州 020
Guiyang 贵阳 0851
Harbin 哈尔滨 451
Haikou 海口 0898
Hangzhou 杭州 0571
Hefei 合肥市 0551
Hohhot hohhot 0471
Jinan 济南 0531
Kunming 昆明 0871
Lanzhou 兰州 0931
Lhasa 0891
Nanchang 南昌市 0791
Nanning 南宁 0771
Shanghai 上海市 021
Shenyang 沈阳市 024
Shijiazhuang 石家庄 0311
Taiyuan 太原市 0351
Tianjin 天津市 022
Wuhan 武汉 027
Urumqi urumqi 0991
Xi’an 西安 029
Xining 西宁 0971
Yinchuan 银川市 0951
Zhengzhou 郑州 0371
Hong Kong 香港 852
Macau 0853
Taiwan 台湾 0886