3SBio Inc contact number: +86 (0) 24 2538 60003

Contact Shenyang-based Chinese biopharmaceutical company by telephone on the phone number +86 (0) 24 2538 60003 from outside China, or dial 024 2538 600003 if dialling from within the country. You can also contact the team by emailing webmaster@3Sbio.com.

3SBio are a world-leading biopharmaceutical company with factories in Hangzhouu, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Shenzhen. The company utilise cell level proteins and man-made molecules used for fighting disease. An example of this is their combination therapy drug which is used in the treatment of gout. If you have any queries about the work performed by 3SBio then you can contact them by phone on the number +86 (0) 24 2538 60003, or by emailing webmaster@3Sbio.com.

The Chinese name of this company is 三生制药,or sān shēng zhìyào in Pinyin.