The STD code number for the Punjabi city of Chandigarh is 0172. Therefore local landline numbers in the city appear as follows 0172 – XXX – XXXX, However if calling a Chandigarh number from abroad you will need to add the international code for India which is +91, as well as omitting the ‘0’ from the Chandigarh STD code. As such a Chandigarh STD code number will appear as follows in a call from abroad.
+91 172 XXX XXXX
Chandigarh is a planned city in the Indian state of Punjab that was designed by renowned French architect LeCorbusier. It has a raft of interesting and wonderful tourist attractions including the Rock Garden, the Rose Garden, Sukhna Lake and the Japanese Garden. If you are looking to book a holiday in Chandigarh then be sure to check out hotels such as the Lemon Tree. Phone calls to Chandigarh must include the local STD code.