The Castle Craig Centre in London is a diagnostic and aftercare service for those in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Contact their head office in Radnor Mews on 020 3468 6602 to request a referral form or to find out about their aftercare groups and services.
Castle Craig London – Services
The Castle Craig branch is not residential and does not provide alcohol or drug detox or rehab services. Instead it is for clients who are either looking to gain access to detox or who have completed a rehab and are looking to achieve long lasting sobriety with the support of a comprehensive aftercare program.
Members of the public can phone Castle Craig London on 020 3468 6602 if they would like information on alcohol rehab services, a member of staff will support them in finding a suitable rehab and also assist with the referral process. They also have a team of psychologists and psychiatrists who can help services users with other psychological issues that may be contributing to a drink or drug problem and provide a dual diagnosis where applicable.
Service users who have already completed a rehab program can contact Castle Craig about the possibility of joining their Aftercare service. If you join after completing a Castle Craig rehab program in Scotland or Ireland then you will already be familiar with the 12 step program. Castle Craig in London will encourage you to continue your recovery by joining the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Their website even promises to connect service users with a sponsor from within the local AA community, although usually sponsors are sought and chosen by AA members themselves when they are ready. As part of their aftercare program Castle Craig London also offers there own recovery groups
Employers can also contact Castle Craig London if they are concerned about the drinking habits of an employee. A consultant will be able to advise on how to give support and encourage the individual to seek help for their habit.
Castle Craig London – Address
40 Radnor Mews
W2 2SA