Cash Converters Kings Heath Contact Number: 0121 444 0121 443 3445

The phone number for the Cash Converters store on Kings Heath High Street in Birmingham is 0121 444 3445.

Customers can contact Cash Converters in Kings Heath on this phone number to arrange a Click & Collect appointment for items purchased online. You can also use this number to check which products are available in-store or online. Similarly the number 0121 444 3445 can be used for complaints or queries about products purchased from the Kings Heath Store.

Cash Converters Kings Heath

Located at 129 Kings Heath High Street, Cash Converters is a familiar sight for regular visitors to this part of Birmingham. It is a second-hand store specialising in electrical goods such as games consoles and games, entertainment products, and games for kids. If you have any questions about the products in-store then you can contact Cash Converters Kings Heath on the phone number 0121 444 3445. 

Cash Converters Kings Heath Alternative Phone Number

You can also contact the Kings Heath Cash Converters store by mobile phone on 07511793775. A third method of contacting the store is by emailing:

Cash Converters Kings Heath Phone Number – 0121 444 3445

Cash Converters Kings Heath mobile – 07511793775

Cash Converters Kings Heath email –