Carpenters Solicitors Number: 0344 249 3844

The number for Carpenters Solicitors in Birkenhead, Merseyside is 0344 249 3844. Phone Carpenters Solicitors today on this landline-rate number to enquire on how to file a personal injury claim.


Carpenters Solicitors
Birkenhead Free Number

Callers should be aware that whilst calls to Carpenters Solicitors are not free, callers will just be charged as if calling a geographic landline number. This is a significant improvement on the 0870 premium rate number that they used to use and make a significant profit on. In fact the telephone number for the Carpenters Group, the parent company of all seven branches in the UK employ an 0844 number as a contact detail. Don’t use this number, you will be charged an arm and a leg, instead contact them using the email:

If calling Carpenters from a mobile phone it may be a good idea to check with your mobile provider how much you will be charged for calls to an 0344 number.

Customers are also given the option of sending Carpenters a message using the contact page on their website: Carpenters Contact Page

Be sure to leave a working email address and you telephone contact number so that Carpenters Birkenhead can contact you back.


Carpenters Solicitors Birkenhead

Carpenters Solicitors are a legal practice in Birkenhead specialising in accident and injury claims. They support their clients in seeking a payout for catastrophic injuries such as spinal, head trauma, multiple fracture and even fatality. Authorised by the FCA they also provide support to clients looking to get compensation for serious injuries resulting from a motor vehicle crash.

Residents of Merseyside looking to make a injury compensation claim should phone the Carpenters Solicitors Number 0344 249 3844 to get the ball rolling.