Bowmo phone number: +1 212-398-0002

International callers can phone the Bowmo Headquarters in New York using the phone number +1 212-398-0002. Or, if calling from the States dial (212)-398-0002. You can also get in touch with Bowmo by emailing, or by filling in the contact form on the company website

Who Are Bowmo?

Bowmo New York are a recruitment consultant agency that uses Artificial Intelligence to source clients and match them to suitably qualified clients. They have delveloped their own AI recruitment software that allows employers to find the best candidiates without having to go through traditional recruitment procedures or job-board postings.

They also provide intelligent data supprt to a rang of high-profile companies such as the sport and entertainment company Endeavour Group Holdings. 

If you are an employer looking to find out more about how Bowmo can assist your recruitment structure then give the company a call on 212-398-0001, or email

Bowmo Chairman Email

For corporate enquiries you may want to get in touch with the Chairman of Bowmo. The Chairman and President of Bowmo is called Michael E. Lashkin, you can email him on: