Birmingham Moseley Rugby phone number: 0121 443 3631

Phone Birmingham Moseley Rugby on 0121 443 3631 to enquire about over 50’s Walking rugby courses, or email

Advancing in years but still keen to get fit while having fund and making friends? Or are you are an over 50 year old in the Birmingham area and looking to get back into rugby after a long break? If so you might find open age touch rugby or over 50s walking rugby suitable for your present ability. Currently Birmingham Moseley Rugby Club offer classes and training sessions in both these sports. Contact Moseley Rugby by telephone on 0121 443 3631 to enquire about upcoming sessions.

Currently Birmingham Moseley Rugby offer weekly sessions in over 50s walking rugby. These sessions are suitable for bothe new starters and those who bring some skills to teh table. For enquiries you can also contact Moseley Rugby by email on