Bikesure number: 0800 369 8580

The Bikesure number for new customers is 0800 369 8580. This contact number can be used to make enquiries about taking out a new motorcycle insurance policy. If you are already a Bikesure customer then the telephone number you need is 0344 381 6503.

Below are some numbers you should avoid, to make sure you do not get charged at a premium rate: 


Before you phone the Bikesure Claims Line

Make sure you have your policy number with you because the customer service representative will request it at the start of your call. You can make your 


Bikesure Numbers to Avoid

Do not phone any numbers that begin with 0843, these are premium rate numbers. There is a Bikesure contact number advertised on the internet on an independent site. This is a call routing number and you will be charged at least 7 pence per minute plus an access charge as set by your mobile phone provider.