Baman Rice Noodles Company contact: 4006 636 010

If calling from China contact Baman Rice Noodle Company 霸蛮米粉 on the number 4006 636 010 to speak to a member of the customer service team. Alternatively contact Baman Rice Noodle company by emailing You can also connect with the team using the online contact form on the company website

Baman Rice Noodle Company are an established brand and household name in China. Their packets of rice flour noodles and sauce are a foundation ingredient for Chinese Beef Noodle with soup, a popular dish in China.

How to make Chinese Beef noodles with soup

Packets of Baman Rice Noodles come in a box with the noodles and the sauce with beef packaged seperately.

To cook the noodles you put cold water in a pan and start to heat. When the water starts to boil add the noodles and boil for ten minutes, then remove from the water.

Then you need to grab the sauce packet adding it to 200 ml of water and bring to the boil for 1-2 minutes. Then add mix the noodles and sauce and reheat, until it is warm enough to servce. Job done.