Asthma UK Helpline: 0300 222 5800


Phone the Asthma UK helpline on 0300 222 5800, for help and support if you have a child who suffers from this condition. You can also use this number if you would like to speak to them about any of their charity endeavours. Therefore it is a number you can use to enquire about volunteering.


Asthma is reversible constriction of the airways which causes difficulty breathing. It has a genetic element, but these days is increasingly caused by air pollution. If you would like more information on the condition then phone the Asthma UK helpline, below.

Asthma UK – Advice helpline


Welcome to Asthma UK. We are a charity funded by public donations and we’re here to help everyone with asthma. 

1) Press 1 to speak to an Asthma nurse, choose this option if your asthma has been troubling you or if you have questions about medicines or inhalers.

2) For all other enquiries press 2 and listen carefully to the options.