Asianmall phone number: 01753 518131

Contact Asianmall on 01753 518131 or email regarding products for sale on their internet store.

Who are Asianmall?

Asianmall are an online retailer specialising in imported food products, drink and medicinal products from Asian countries such as China, Thailand, the Philippines, India, and Vietnam. They also sell sauces, mixtures, fish balls, noodles and other ingredients that are suitable for use in hotpots. For example they sell a shrimp based hot pot seasoning made by a Chinese company called Hai Di Lao. If you are looking for ingredients for an asian dish then consider making a purchase on the Asianmall website.

In order to make a purchase online retailers or individuals will need to set up a Asianmall account.  

Asianmall Customer Service

Contact Asianmall by telephone on 01753 518131 or email for enquiries relating to deliveries. For example if you have made a purchase on the Asianmall website but it has not arrived on time, or has arrived in a less than satisfactory condition.