Archives and Records Association phone number: 01823 327077

Contact the Archives and Records Association (UK and Ireland) on the telephone number 01823 327077. If you get disconnected on this line then you might also try their alternative contact number: 01823 327030.

 ARA is a body that provides professional guidance for record-keepers and archivists in the UK and Ireland. They also perform research and advice on best practices to collectors.

Archives and Records Association courses and CPD 

If you are interested in a career as an archivist then  contact the Archives and Records Association by telephone on 01823 327977 to find out about their range of courses. They also provide a range of taster courses and workshops for those looking to dip their toe in the water. Or you may choose one of the many further and higher education courses in the UK that are accredited by the Archives and Records Association. If you are interested in finding out more then contact the Archives and Records Association on the number 01823 327977, or 01823 327030.