Angel Yeast Co. Ltd contact number: +86 717 6369520

To contact Angel Yeast Company Limited phone +86 717 6369520, use the contact form on the Angel Yeast Co. Ltd website, or email Note that the Chinese brand name for Angel Yeast Company Limited 安琪酵母股份有限公司 is  Angel Yeast 安琪 (ānqí).

Angel Yeast Company

The Angel Yeast Co. LTD. (安琪酵母股份有限公司) were established in 1986 in Yichang, a city in Hubei. As the name would suggest the main activity of the company is the production of yeast, but they also work on research into yeast and other food production methods. They are  nationally recognised as one of the key producers of dry yeast in China and indeed around the world.

Angel Yeast have 9 production facilities across China including the following locations:

  • Yichang City, Hubei 湖北省宜昌市
  • Yining City, Xinjiang: Liaoning Road,Yining City National Economic and Technical cooperation Zone, Xinjiang Province 新疆伊宁市合作区辽宁路。Telephone: 
  • Binzhou City, Shandong 山东省滨州市

How do Chinese people use Angel Yeast?

Angel Yeast is the most popular and well-recognised dried yeast in for household use in China. It is particularly popular with housewives in the big cities like, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen. This is partly due to ease of use; you just mix Angel yeast with some warm water so the yeast can grow and then it is ready for use. It is then ready to mix with flour to make all kinds of bread products. Chinese people use Angel yeast to make breakfast products including:

  • Mantou 馒头
  • Soya Milk 豆浆
  • dumplings 包子
  • Baked sesame cake 烧饼
  • Deep-fried breadstick 油条

Angel Yeast Products

Angel Yeast Company perform a huge amount of research in their 9 industrial facilities across China. The company are constantly striving to provide the most nutritious, healthiest and tastiest products to their customers. The most basic and popular Angel Yeast product is their 15g Instant Dry Yeast packet for making bread. They also have their own bread mixture called 安琪预拌粉

Aside from bread Angel Yeast 安琪 products are used in the preparation of the following foods:

Angel Yeast Products for making Mantou

The product on the left is called 头 or Mantou, in English this means steamed bread. It is particularly popular in the North of China, in cities like Jilin, Heilongjiang, Dalian and Shijiazhaung Angel Yeast company have several products that can be used to make Mantou.

安琪馒头改良剂 – This is an additive used to improve the texture, shape and taste of Mantou. In the shops you will find this translated as Mantou improver. To sum up this mixture improves the quality of Mantou. 

Angel Yeast Products for making Youtiao

The fried stick of bread on the left is called YouTiao 油条. This is eaten in the North of China at breakfast time, often with a bowl of soya milk as can be seen in the photo.

A popular Angel Yeast product used in the process of making Youtiao is called Angel Yeast  Youtiao raising agent. This aluminium-free product 无铝害 gives Youtiao their fluffy texture and shape. In Mandarin Chinese the name of this product is: 安琪复配油条膨松剂。