Amisa customer service number: 0208 547 2775

Amisa are a brand name of Windmill Organics a UK company that produces wholemeal, gluten and lactose free products for the UK market. Customers can contact Windmill Organics regarding an Amisa product on the number 0208 547 2775, or email the team on  

Amisa are a health food supplier that sell products such as gluten-free pancake mix at high street stores including Holland and Barrett. They also sell falafel mix, a range of breads and rolls and gluten free porridge. 

Amisa Product Recall Number – 0208 547 2775

Customers can also contact Amisa on the number 0208 547 2775 regarding a product that has been recalled. Phone this number to request a refund or to discuss your consumer rights regarding recalled products. The email address can also be used for this purpose.