The telephone STD code of Ambala is 0171. This telephone code will need to be used to connect with Ambala, in Haryana, India. This STD code will also appear in phone calls out of the city from Ambala.
An example of the Ambala STD code in use is for the electricity board, which is located within the city. The telephone number for the Electricity board in Ambala is as follows:
From outside India dial: +91 171 254 0125.
Or, if calling from inside India you can drop the India country code +91, but you will need to add a zero to the Ambala Std Code, making the number:
0171 254 0125.
Similarly, if you receive a phone call from India that begins +91 (India code) and then 171, then you can know that the phone call is from Ambala in Haryana.
Ambala Cantt STD Code – 0171
The Ambala STD code also covers the Ambala Cantonment, a huge sprawling urban area of the city. Therefore the Ambala Cantt STD code is 0171. Or if you are calling from outside the country the STD code for Ambala Cantt is 171, eg:
+91 171 1234567
The Ambala Cantt Tehsil is also famous for being home to a host of science manufacturing plants and factories. An example of this is the Jain Scientific Glass works Company. Their phone number is +91 171 269 8184. Here we can see the Ambala Cannt STD code 0171, with the ‘0’ removed. If calling from within India the number is 0171 269 8184.
The Ambala Cantt STD code can also be demonstrated by looking at the telephone number for the Air Force School in Ambala. This number is 0171 2641314, with the Ambala STD code 0171 as a prefix. If calling from abroad the number is +91 (India access code) 171 (Ambala STD Code) 2611314.
A third place we can see the use of the Ambala Cantt STD code is in the phone number for the State Bank of China on Mahatma Gandhi Marg. The telephone number to connect is 0171 253 0505. The STD here being 0171, for Ambala.