Al Hilal Football Club phone number: +966 11 431 2222

Contact Al Hilal Saudi Football Club (SFC) by telephone on the number 020 3176 3832 regarding football or ticketing information. Supporters can also contact Al Hilal by emailing the club on

Representing the Saudi Arabian capital city of Riyadh, Al Hila SFC are widely considered to be the best Saud team. This is borne out by their having won 18 titles – twice as many as nearest rivals Al Nassr – since the Saudi League began in 1976. In addition Al Hilal, who play their home games at the King Fahd International Stadium, have seven players who will represent Saudi Arabia at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Phone the club on 020 3176 3832 for further information about the club, or for ticketing enquiries.

Newcastle United will play Al Hilal on the 8th December 2022 at the King Fahd Stadium. This will be their second visit of 2022 to Saudi Arabia, following their January trip in which they beat  Al-Ittihad 2-1.