Ahmednagar STD Code: 0241

The local STD telephone code number for the city of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra is 0241. This four digit code will prefix all calls from landline telephones from the city.

The city is also the capital of the district that shares the same name. Many of the 14 areas that comprise the Ahmednagar District have their own STD codes which we will also explore on this page.

Ahmednagar District STD Codes

Study the list of STD codes for the areas that make up the district of Ahmednagar and a pattern emerges very quickly. Firstly we note that Ahmednagar city has a shorter STD code than all the other areas. This is because it is the capital of the district and a sizeable district. Generally speaking the bigger the city the shorter the STD code. For example Delhi’s STD code is only three digits – 011. Then we can note that the STD codes for the district go up consecutively by one each time from the number 02421 for Jamkhad, up to 02429 for Shevgaon, with seven areas in between.

Then there is a jump to the other areas of Shrigonda, Pamer and Karjay whose STD codes run from02427 up to 02429 consecutively.

Area STD Code
Akole 07242
Jamhkad 02421
Karjat 02489
Kopergaon 02423
Newsa 02427
Pamer 02488
Pathardi 02428
Rahata 02423
Rahuri 02426
Sangamner 02425
Shevgaon 02429
Shrigonda 02487
Shrirampur 02422