Advanta Healthcare Phone Number: +44 (0) 203 778 0775

Doctors and other medics looking to practice medicine in the United Kingdom can contact Advanta Healthcare on +44 203 778 0775. Or, if you are currently in the United Kingdom you can dial 0203 778 0775.

Advanta Healthcare are a Birmingham-based medical recruitment agency who offer excellent opportunities for international doctors to practice within the National Health Service (NHS). Positions include doctors in hospitals, consultants, surgeons and nurses. 

Be aware that in order to take up a position as a doctor in the NHS you will first need to achieve a 7.5 in the IELTS exam. You will also need to be able to pass the PLAB test. 

Advanta Healthcare offer generous relocation packages that cover rent, flights and settling in. If you would like to find out more about how Advanta Healthcare can help you achieve your dream job with the NHS then phone +44 (0) 203 778 0775

Advanta Healthcare Email Address

Contact Advanta Healthcare by email on

This email can be used to send your CV in for consideration. A member of the admin team will review your CV and if it id deemed suitable they will contact you with the details of suitable vacancies.