Abohar STD Code: 01634

Have you received a phone call from a number with a 01634 access STD code? Wondering where this call was made from? Well look no further….

 The STD code of the Punjabi Tahsil and city of Abohar is 01634. The city is located within the Fazilka district of Punjab and the 01634 STD code acts a prefix covering all residental, commercial and government landlines. Including Abohar there are three parts of the Fazilka district the other two are Fazilka city (STD Code 01638) and Jalalabad (STD code 0163850).


Abohar Location

The maps below show the location of Abohar within India and then the location of Abohar within the Fazilka district.



Covering an area of 72 square miles the city, which is close to the Pakistan border, is home to over 210 thousand people. It is also home to a wildlife sanctuary that covers the 13 villages that form part of the municipal district. The city has a biogas plant in which a methane compositions is compressed to fill cylinders that are then sold to hotels and restaurants. The plant is called CEID Consultants and Engineering Private Limited. Their number provides an example of the use of the Abohar STD code.


Abohar STD Code – 01634

CEID Consultants and Engineering Private Limited are a Biogas company located in Abohar. Their telephone number is prefixed by the local access STD code for the city. You can contact them from within India on 01634 50 005. Callers from outside of India will need to drop the zero from the STD code replacing it with the +91 India access code, making the number +91 1634 50 005.