Use the NHS Grampian Switchboard number 0345 456 6000 to find out Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ward numbers and connect with a member of staff.
The switchboard number above is in use 24 hours a day and can be used to get information if you have a relative who is on a ward on the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Reception Team
You can also phone the ARI reception team on 01224 554567 for information about the hospital or for ward enquiries. The reception team act as a switchboard for the hospital and will be able to give information and advice about the hospital including ward information to patients, outpatients and their relatives.
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Outpatients Number – 01224 552 242
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary is divided into 5 zones and the Outpatients department is located within the Orange Zone in clinic C.
Contact Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on 01224 552 242 for outpatient enquiries. If you need to confirm an appointment with a consultant or cancel a meeting then you can do so on this number. This number can also be used to check on the details of any preparatory measures you need to take before an investigative procedure. For example if you might use this number ti get details about a fast.