+852 5607 8625

The telephone number +852 5607 8625 is a Hong Kong number associated with the 杀猪盘 scam, originating from China. This scam can be translated to English as the Pig Butchering Scam.

杀猪盘 – the Pig Butchering Scam

The confidence tricks employed by these scammers used to be mainly targeted at people living on the Chinese Mainland. However, in recent years the scammers have turned their attention farther afield and people in the UK, Europe and the USA have been getting their first Pig Butchering Scam messages on WhatsApp and Instagram.

This scam is initiated when mobile phone users receive a message out of the blue on their social media, or WhatsApp. These messages are usually sent from the apparent account of an attractice Chinese lady. Intrigued some recipients may try to strike up a conversation with the sender. This can lead to a fake friendship and in turn becoming a victim of all sorts of scams and tricks. 

The end game for these scammers, who are in it for the long run, is for you to invest in a fake cryptocurrency exchange website. 

If you get a message from the number +852 5607 8625 you should block and delete the number.