The phone number +447587246674 is a scam UK number that may appear as 07587246674 and offers fake financial reward for a job that doesn’t exist. Note that while the phone number is fake and from the UK, the financial reward is offered in US dollars. Anyone who receives a 20-300 US dollars part time job text needs to delete this number and block. A recent iteration of this scam Whatsapp message reads:

Are u there? I need you, Hello do you need to make money online? As long as you are over 25 years old, you only need to use your mobile phone to complete tasks every day, and each operation takes 3-5 minutes to easily get 20-200 US dollars, and you can withdraw money at any time. To participate please contact us via whatsapp to add Whatsapp +447587246674

After being given the Whatsapp number