44 7904 220388

The telephone number +44 7904 220388 is being used to send census scam texts. It is one of a series of numbers that have been reported on Twitter and various other platforms by members of the public.


What are Census Scam Numbers?

Census scam texts  play on people’s fears of receiving a fine for either not completing a census or not filling in their form correctly. The message below from +44 7904 220388 plays on these fears. It also includes a link to a website which they set up in order to scam UK residents. Anyone who puts their personal or banking details into this website will have their information stolen by scammers looking to commit fraud.

CENSUS: There is invalid information on your Census account. To avoid a fine, you are required to review your answers at www(.)adjust-form(.)com


What is the website adjust form .com?

The website www(.)adjust-form(.) com is not owned by the UK Government body the Office for National Statistics. In fact this website was only registered on the 3rd of April 2020. It was set up to look like a trustworthy site on which customers feel comfortable inputting their personal and banking information. However anyone who does will just be making themselves a target for scammers.