The telephone number +375 299 316466 is being used to make scam Wangiri calls to mobile phones around the world.
The code +375 at the beginning of the number is the international dialling code and indicates the calls are being made from Belarus. The tactics used are that the caller makes a quick one or two call to a mobile phone in another country. They then hang up in the hope that the person who received the call will phone back. Anyone who does phone back will immediately be connected to an expensive premium rate number. These premium rate number are sold by dodgy telecoms companies and the caller will take a share of the profit made from any call back.
If you receive a call from the number +375 299 316466 then be sure that you do not answer the call or phone back. If you do do call back you will run up huge charges on your phone bill. Instead you should block the number and report to your mobile phone provider.