+353 (87) 479 2163

The telephone number +353 (87) 479 2163 has been linked to a scam AIB call received by recipients in the Republic of Ireland. This scam number was first reported on Twitter by a user that was not even an AIB customer. This, of course, made it easy for her to identify the number as a scam and she did not engage. If you are a recipient of a call from this number, which may appear on your phone as 087 479 2163, then you too should avoid any interaction with this dangerous number.

In the case study, above, the recipient received contact via a text which also included a link to a dangerous website, which we do not recommend that you visit. This site was set up to mimic the actual AIB website and anyone that visits puts their internet security at risk. Those who are confident regarding cybersecurity might consider this number as a good one to prank call. There is nothing wrong with turning the tables on these scammers, but make sure you know what you are doing first. Do not put yourself in unecessary risk.

In fact this number