The telephone number 07768 645577 has been identified as a number that is being used by scammers pretending to represent the National Crime Agency (NCA). If you receive a call from 07768 645577 then do not pick up the phone and do not follow any automated options.
This scam begins with mass automated phone calls to UK residents. People who receive the call are alerted to a fake criminal investigation against them from the National Crime Agency (NCA). In order to avoid an arrest warrant being issued potential victims are told to press 1.
Anyone that does press 1 will bring themselves to the attention of the scammers. Pressing 1 will connect you to one of the scammers. They use threats of arrest to attempt to make victims. Their aim is to find victims who will provide their bank details so they can fraudulently take money from your account.
Reports threats made and telephone scams to the UK government: scams and phishing