This number 07310882829 is unsafe, part of a phishing scam, in which scammers pretend to work for Nationwide Building Society in order to try and extract personal information and bank details.

07310882829 Texting Scam

This number is part of a text phishing scam.  The text warns customers that there has been a payment to a new payee from your Nationwide account. Obviously recipients who don’t have Nationwide account will be less likely to fall for this scam. However, Nationwide customers may be more likely to click on the link provided. We can only assume that members of the public who do click on the link will be invited to enter their personal details and to fill in details of their bank account. This will leave them vulnerable to fraud. 

Recipients of a text from the number 0731088 2829, may notice that the number appears as +44 7310882829. The +44 part represents the UK access code and is followed by the mobile phone number, minus the initial zero. Below is the number as appears in a text from the scammers that was reported to Nationwide on Twitter:


What should I do if I get a text or phone call from 07310882829?

Do not interact with the number 07310882829 other than to take a screen shot. Do not text them or phone them back. And be very careful not to click on the link.

Instead you can report the malicious communication to Nationwide by emailing phishing@nationwide.co.uk, or using one of the other methods on the Nationwide fraud contact numbers.