01202 544342

The telephone number 01202 544342 is from AXA health insurance, the company trying to sell you one of their health insurance policies. This number has been reported for cold calling by a number of UK residents who have put thier contact details into price comparison sites provided by companies like Moneysupermarket. 

Sites such as these often encourage their visitors to leave their contact details. As soon as you enter these details you are at risk of being bombarded with calls by companies desperate to speak to you about their policies. Unfortunately by providing your contact information you are at risk of details such as your phone number being passed on to the sales teams at insurance providers such as AXA. If you have received a call out of the blue from 01202 544342 then we suspect it may be because you have been shopping around for health insurance online. If you do not wish to receive firther calls then we recommend you block and delete the number.