By | May 10, 2022

The telephone number 02088638421, which may appear as +442088638421, is a scam number several Vodafone customers have reported calls from. Calls from this scam number are accompanied by a charge of 30 pence per call.

If  you have been getting phone calls from the number 2088638421 then you should be sure to block the numebr and report any charges to Vodafone. Although this is a known scam number as of late March 202 no action has been taken against these number. 

To help other potential vistims we recommend that you report the number +442088638421 to Vodafone should you recieve a charge after a call from this number. If you see any sign of this numbr on your bill with a charge you should ensure that Vodafone are aware as soon as possible. Several Vodafone customers have been receiving calls and accompanying charges from this number for a protracted period of time. Report and block.

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