The telephone number for 3 Little Piggies Deli in Cork is 021 432 3836. If calling from outside of the Republic of Ireland you will need to use the number +353 21 432 3836.
3 Little Piggies is a restaurant and Deli House located in Union Quay, Cork. Phone them during your trip to Ireland on 021 432 3836, with dining, seating or menu requests or queries.
You can also phone 3 Little Piggies Cork on this number if you have already made your visit. For example phone 021 432 3836 to report an item of lost property. You might also call 3 Little Piggies on this number if you have a complaint about a customer service experience.
3 Little Piggies Cork Address
3 Little Piggies Deli in Cork is located at the following address:
Unit 1, The Car park, Union Quay, Cork