Moseley Washeteria phone number: 0121 449 1073

Phone Moseley Washeteria on 0121 449 1073 to check on the progress of your service wash.

Moseley Washeteria is a launderette located on St. Mary’s row in Moseley, Birmingham. They have a dozen coin-operated, self-service washing machines and half-a-dozen dryers. The launderette have a range of 5 kilos and 7 kilos machines. They also have a 35 lb washing machine suitable for duvets and extra large loads.

Moseley Washeteria opening hours

As of Wednesday 19th of July Moseley Washeteria opening hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. During these hours there is a full-time member of staff present who you can arrange a service wash and dry with. 

On Saturdays and Sundays Moseley Washeteria is open between 9.30am and 5.30pm. However, the launderette is unmanned at the weekend so you will have to bring your own coins. You can, however, put your laundry in a plastic bag and dispatch it into the service wash drop off point, which is basically a chute. You will need to attach or include a Moseley Washeteria service ticket with the load. Your washing will then be dealt with when staff return on Monday. To check on progress you can just phone 0121 449 1073.